Review of Soul

Soul (2020)
#1 Film of 2020
13 January 2021

Yup. This one was an immediate masterpiece for me. The meaning of life and jazz piano, centralized by a black character. That's some pretty progressive stuff and quite the mature subject matter for a kids' movie. Disney/Pixar films are beginning to master the incorporeal and deeply philosophical themes that adults can watch and have their mind and soul enlightened, while children can be entertained and laugh. This one pairs with the the akin films: "Inside Out", "Coco", and "Big Hero 6". All instant masterpieces. The only thing that fell flat was the humor for me.

I didn't laugh at very many jokes and a lot of them just seemed too childish or just unfunny to me. These type of movies are typically better at doing that but this one didn't work. The next thing I'd like to see these films do is really provoke deep thinking like Lynch or the Coen Brothers do; create some surreal explorations of dream logic or leave the viewer misled and confused, respective to each director's challenging of perspective and storytelling. Rather than the surreal postmodernism of the aforementioned filmmakers, these type of movies challenge the viewer in a much more digestible and kid-friendly way. I adore it in a different way, but I would love to see Disney/Pixar try to disorient or challenge the viewer in a different way some day. Anyway, I've rambled enough. This was a tremendous film and truly made me feel cathartic and hit the right spots. I've been tapping into my spiritual side more and "Soul" showed me that those meditating or trancing go somewhere else and what it means to be in these metaphysical states. "Soul" inspires me to explore meditation and art, while also inspiring me to enjoy life as it is, small or large, and to follow my dreams, enjoying every negative or positive experience along the way. Here I come world; I've got a masterpiece to make now, straight from the soul.
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