Not my kind of entertainment.
12 January 2021
I found this movie on DVD at my public library.

As a foreign movie is should be a good fit for me. I studied 2+ years of German in college, including German literature. This is a German movie, in German, with English subtitles. I could understand much of the dialog.

It is a straightforward premise - a progressive young man and his girlfriend are going to have a baby boy and at a family gathering everyone wants to know what the baby's name will be. They try to guess and even when told it starts with 'A' no one guesses 'Adolf'. Of course when that becomes known everyone else is upset, it is too close a reminder of the infamous Adolf Hitler.

I would guess, from reading a few reviews, that Germans and perhaps Europeans in general find this to be a really good, entertaining movie. But I don't, it is a lot of talking about a political subject and this is just not the kind of movie I enjoy.
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