Tiny Toon Adventures: K-ACME TV (1991)
Season 1, Episode 64
Parodying television
11 January 2021
'Tiny Toon Adventures' was at this point no stranger to parodies, far from it, and when its parodying was successful it was brilliant at its best. Evident in for example the brilliant "Tiny Toon Music Television", one of my favourite episodes of the show and one of those episodes that's even better as a young adult. In K-Acme TV", it is television/commercials being parodied, not an innovative premise but when it is done well and not unevenly it is entertaining.

A premise that is done very entertainingly here in "K-Acme TV". While all the parodies are hugely successful and it is not a case of some working and others not, which can be the case with episodes of this type, there are a couple that are particularly inspired. "K-Acme TV" is a great episode and does its premise, television sometimes being more difficult to parody than music due to a chance of being less familiar with what is being parodied, justice.

"K-Acme TV" is very slight story-wise, basically just a collection of parodies with no story or wraparound to link. Considering though how well the content is written, this was not a massive problem.

It is as usual vibrantly animated, smoothly drawn and lovingly detailed. It is very inventive too in "Honey I Shrunk the Clothes", parodying (people may have already guessed) 'Honey I Shrunk the Kids'. The voice work is excellent all round from some of the best voice actors in the business at the time, most still active and going strong today.

Writing is both razor sharp witty and nostalgically affectionate. Maybe some familiarity with what is being parodied so that the parodying is even funnier and even more understandable, but being somebody who has since become familiar with most it was not a problem for me. With that being said, it is the kind of writing and parodying that is funny and clever on their own merits. There is a lot of energy throughout, and while all the parodies work beautifully the very funny "Super Plucky O-Bros" and even zanier and funnier "Honey I Shrunk the Clothes" fare best.

Every character shines in their own way. All have strong personalities that are both fun and likeable, flaws not taken to extremes, while never being annoying.

Overall, great. 9/10
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