UFO Report (2020– )
"UFO Report" (2020): Season 5, Episode 9, "Solar Eclipse UFOs World Wide" Review
9 January 2021
On August 21 of 2017 the whole of North America was able to witness a total solar eclipse. In this Season 5 episode of "UFO Report" we see three different videos, each capturing jaw-dropping images from that day.

The first of these would appear to show a sizeable object moving across the muted sun at an incredible rate of speed. Both the second and third pieces of footage are recorded in broad daylight and focus in on a number of mostly flashing airborne lights, all apparently suspended relatively low in the sky. Some of the objects, at least to the naked eye, appear and disappear from sight and even change position.

I am personally fascinated by the last video taken by a young couple in Yakima, Washington, my home state. These mysterious aircraft seem to hover above the site of a U.S. Army Training Center, one which has been in operation for decades and through which I have driven so many times now that I've lost count. Is this merely a coincidence? Of was this part of some manner of military maneuvers? I, for one, would absolutely love to know the answer.

I conclude this series of reviews spanning all five seasons of "UFO Report" by interviewing co-producer Darcy Weir. Guess what my first question was? Yep.

Do you believe in UFOs? If so, tell us why.

I do believe in UFOs, the now classified UAPs (The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Task Force, a program within the United States Office of Naval Intelligence) seen around the world through the ages. I believe that there's a very high possibility that some of these UFOs are not ours and some are from Earth. There seems to be enough testimonials from military and high ranking officials from around the world that point to those possibilities being real.

Have you personally seen a UFO?

Yes I have seen a UFO through a window on my flight across the US when I was in my early 20s. I also saw a UFO zoom across the night's sky when I lived in Melbourne, Australia.

What is the end game here in your opinion? If UFOs are real, what is the purpose of these crafts? What do you speculate may be the intention of other possible forms of intelligent life in the galaxies with earth and its people?

Endgame? Hopefully it doesn't involve meeting Thanos (Marvel Comics' "Mad Titan", who scours the universe in search of the "Infinity Stones", with which he intends to wield unlimited and malevolent power)...just joking. Well, I hope we get to a point in disclosure where the United States government admits to a cover up that has been in effect regarding our cosmic neighbors throughout history. This would allow for citizens to build a better system of trust and understanding in terms of our place in the universe.

If we as a society are to advance into the stars and develop technologically beyond our current limitations, I think it would require an understanding of what is already out there in the stars waiting for us. Disclosure from our governments about this subject matter will empower citizens and start us on a journey into our own solar system with better expectations of future possibilities for mankind.

All five seasons of "UFO Report" are streaming now on amazon Prime.
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