Two abusers: Eddie Fischer and the Major
5 January 2021
What Haunts Us is about a Charleston South Carolina private school that harbored knowingly a sexual abuser. Eddie Fidcher sexually abused boys at Porter Gaud for 40 years. They knew about it and did nothing. In 1982 he wasn't fired but was allowed to resign. He then taught at College Prep and abused more boys. Finally Guerry Glover and his dad filed a suit against Porter Gaud. The Headmaster, the Major "Maj", who knew, and who was also a pedafile shot himself. Eddie Fischer was given 20 years. Porter Gaud was fined $105 million. Guerry Glover is the hero of this story the moral of which is that it is horrible to sexually abuse children who are haunted sometimes to become suicidal. But it is as bad to ignore sexual abuse and not report it.
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