Not Sure Who the Bad Guy/Gal is In This One
3 January 2021
I'm still trying to figure out what the woman is paying for. It's obviously a metaphor for her life going off-kilter in a way that doesn't always happen to the average everyday person. Her bouncing from her husband to an untrustworthy circus performer is totally destructive. Throwing away her life to be treated horribly by that same individual, was mostly brought on by her own carelessness and at the climax of the movie, that same carelessness and immaturity leads to the death of someone. So, I was trying to figure out what was so bad about her life, other than she being the one who screwed it up. This is what romantic dramas usually have an issue with, weather it is 1910 or 2010. Is the message that is supposed to be conveyed being lost amongst a smattering of skits and scenes that muddy the goal in mind. I felt this way with this movie. Why are we worried about her destructive end when she created most of it? A change in the title might help things with this one. The original title, The Abyss, is a much better title. It's all worth going through, because Magda has a seductive dance number that really is ahead of its time and is the most jolting part of the film. It's worth that.

6.0 (D MyGrade) = 6 IMDB
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