Headlines (1925)
Flappers and Scandals
31 December 2020
Headlines is a misleading title for this film, which is more about social scandal than a newspaper office. It begins there, where a writer (Alice Joyce) receives a telegram at work telling her that her flapper daughter (Virginia Lee Corbin) has been expelled from school. She comes home to her fiancée (Malcolm McGregor) who believes the girl is her sister, not her daughter. The young girl becomes involved with a wealthy man working on his second divorce, but her family tries to keep her from him to avoid soiling her reputation, which she is determined to destroy.

This is a fun movie with an appealing cast, big names in their day but forgotten now except to devoted silent film fans. One such person, Tim Lussier, biographer of Corbin, helped get this film released. Headlines is available from Grapevine Video in a restored print from the Library of Congress.
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