All the Usual Tropes are Here...
29 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Group gets together for wilderness fun and adventure.


Interpersonal rancor between members of said group. "That guy likes my girlfriend and I don't like it!". "No, he doesn't, bro; they're just friends!", yadda yadda yadda, blah, blah, blah.


Group gets trashed on mind-altering substance at earliest opportunity.


Stop me here if any of this sounds familiar to you, and it should sound familiar to you because it is the basic premise of a few thousand horror movies, at least.

You can fill in the blanks and check the boxes for yourself.

Group decides to hang out on grounds that have a supernatural/haunted past. Yep.

Members of the group promise other members that they won't let anything happen to them. Yep.

Members of the group make completely idiotic decisions and get killed for their idiocy. Yep.

Members of the group get picked off one by one by the supernatural beastie. Yep.

This is nothing that hasn't been depicted before. It's a middle-of-the-road, nothing-new-to-see-here-folks production.
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