Unpopular for the Wrong Reasons
27 December 2020
I've always been on the fence about the JFK assassination, mostly because I don't know enough about it to really have what I would consider an educated opinion. This movie doesn't change that, my opinion is perhaps slightly more enlightened than it was before, but I do feel that this movie elucidated why some people believe in a far-reaching conspiracy as an explanation for what happened to President Kennedy.

The quote "when the legend becomes fact, print the legend" comes to my mind when thinking about why people believe in the conspiracies surrounding the assassination of JFK. In a world that is violently chaotic, where some act in monstrous ways with unknowable motives, the notion that calamity can be laid at the feet of some mysterious cabal is strangely reassuring. It EXPLAINS why things are bad when we so rarely get a coherent explanation for tragedy.

This documentary explores this and shines a much needed light on the origination of some persistent conspiracy theories, and demonstrates how they relate to the conspiracy theories around Kennedy's death. If you're capable of receiving new information and examining your own beliefs critically then you should watch this documentary.

If your identity hinges on your belief in some sort of conspiracy which is responsible for the assassination of the 35th president then you probably won't enjoy this documentary.
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