The Expanse: Caliban's War (2017)
Season 2, Episode 13
Poor ending to what was, overal, a great season
27 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode required too much suspension of disbelief.

In former episodes a lot of the "suspension of disbelief" was handled pretty well, mainly with exposition. Which is, in my opinion okay at times, especially with a hard science-fiction like this. However the level of suspension of disbelief required in this episode became way too much.

Take for example the scene in which: Roberta 'Bobbie' W. Draper, Cotyar and Chrisjen Avasarala are pinned down. Completely unrealistic how the events took place. They try to solve this situation by dialogue (exposition); by trying to negotiate about the situation. And enabling 'Bobbie' to get through a vent and getting her suit, which is conveniently taken and quite easily accesable. Although, this scene is quite bad, it's one I can accept, I don't mind it as much as I do the other problems:

Dr. Praxidike 'Prax' Meng asuming that his daughter is in the "Hybrit". Which is based on no facts, it's an assumption and it's a bad one. The Dr. can know his daughter is still alive because Dr. Strickland is nowhere to be found. Hence, he can make the assumption that his daughter is with him, because she hasn't left his side, for as far as he knows, based on the security footage. But I suppose this would take away too much tension, specifically at the events leading up to the death of the "Hybrid". Nonetheless, I think it's poor writing. Which was completely unnecessary. I do mind this problem, but it's not one of the more annoying ones:

James Holden getting pinned down by something the "Hybrid" threw at him. The slow speed at which the "Hybrid" tried to get through the floor. This is what we can call a consistency issue; it's completely out of order with the pre-established rules. Somehow I expect they deviated from the books at the issues I mentioned.

Besides all of these issues I could appreciate the twist with Sadavir Errinwright, although I saw something coming, this is not exactly what I was anticipating.

Overall, I would give this season a 8 and that is entirely due to this epsiode, it could've been quite a bit higher. Some scenes gave me goosebumps, which does not happen often. I think I'm being generous by giving this episodes a 6, but what it did do good it really did do good.

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