Wow. Just wow.
27 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The other reviews I've read here have already gone into fine detail about just WHY this movie sucks out loud: bad writing, bad direction, bad acting, bad CGI, etc. Believe them, they're all true.

Is DC completely broke, that they cannot seem to hire a decent writer? C'mon, Marvel is throttling back for a bit; STEAL somebody, for God's sake! I mean, having the villain defeated by "I rescind my wish" is as bad as Batman freaking out and giving up on his quest to kill Superman simply because their mothers had the same name.

But still, the rest has already been covered, in spades. So I'll just pose a couple of questions I haven't seen anyone address.

First, was there any reason -- I mean ANY reason-- for this film to be set in 1984? I did doze off once or twice while watching it, so maybe I missed something (and if so, I sure as hell am not going to go back through this tour of the cinematic sewers trying to find it) but I can think of no discernible reason why it could not have been set in literally ANY other year since the Chris Pine character's "death" in 1917 (fanboys, if that was a year or two off, bite me.) Setting it in 2020 might have been problematic had they decided to try to incorporate COVID, Biden stealing the election, etc., but why 1984 rather than 2014, or 1964, or whatever?

Secondly, Diana and the other Amazons are supposed to be at least somewhat morally advanced over us mortal slubs; they even emphasized this during the opening scene. So why does she have zero problem with her WWI boy toy demonically possessing the body of some completely innocent engineer? They even go so far as to raid his wardrobe, shack up in his apartment, and leave stains on his sheets, but until giving up her wish proves to be the only way to defeat the villain (no, seriously) she seems perfectly willing to leave the poor guy in limbo forever while she ties Captain Kirk to the bedposts with her golden lasso.
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