Review of Stratagem

Star Trek: Enterprise: Stratagem (2004)
Season 3, Episode 14
A Remake of 36 hours with Solid Effects and a one-to-one Role Play in a Star Trek / Xindi Universe
26 December 2020
The episode start is a bit confusing but few explanations come later. Some pretty good artefacts are inserted from time to time (bloodworms, Xindi insectoids ships,

Archer plays a good role but there are details which are a bit odd and I can give an example: why after losing the Enterprise and all the crew (as told in the story), Archer is keeping safe the bloodworm after removing it from the Xindy's enemy arm.

Another example: why going back to the debris field, knowing that an overload can occur with the simulator

Finally, why trying to verify that the destination is the correct one when the Xindi has encrypted the coordinates and also when there is no other course of action for the Enterprise. They frequently say we may lose three weeks but do they have any other alternative, any other direction to go so that to find the Xindi weapon?

Outside of those scenario glitches, the playtime is quite pleasant to look at but I have the feeling that the scenes filmed inside the simulator are a bit too lengthy and that some other characters shall have been more developed with a collateral story, i.e. how they have built the simulator and what did they do with the space shuttle...?

For all the above reasons, I will give a mitigated 7/10 as I was expecting more suspense, more thrilling moments and a stronger consistency for the whole episode. I was also expecting more anger, for instance coming from Trip when detaining the creator of the mass-destruction weapon in their custody, or at least an explanation from the Xindi for why exactly he agreed to create a weapon to kill humans, including children...
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