Gemusetto Machu Picchu (2019–2020)
Not worth your time.
21 December 2020
This show somehow got a second season and a hour long (hopefully series) finale. That's insanity. For a show that is fueled by raunchy ADHD non sequitur humor, it somehow feels longer and way more boring than it should be. The main character is completely unlikable and has an unbearably annoying voice. Most jokes fall flat. Did they find the most mediocre YouTube animator and tell him to write a show?

The only reason I'm giving this show a 2 star rating is because the soundtrack has some great tracks, however the musical talent is wasted on the final product. If you choose to watch this show after reading this review I'm sorry for the amount of life you will have wasted. Adult Swim has so many other great programs and you're better off rewatching your favorites.
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