Better than I expected
19 December 2020
The ending is horrible. Ed and Edd didn't deserve what they got in the end. The beginning is also very slow paced and the story doesn't kick in for about five minutes. Other than that- and this is a controversial opinion- I liked this better than 'Fa, La, La, La, Ed'. Although 'Fa, La, La, La, Ed' did show that for all of Edd's kindness he still went along with Eddy's scams. By the time Christmas actually arrived, Edd has matured much more and at one point actually tries to stop Eddy from, so to speak, stealing the neighborhood's Christmas. The special has some great gags. My favourite has to be Jonny pretending to be Jack Frost and biting Eddy's nose. The special did the impossible and fleshed out Marie Kanker. Marie had the least development of the sisters, although the fact that her crush is the complete opposite of her is intriguing. I guess she was never that developed because she says what she's thinking all the time, and when she does talk she does so to insult her sisters. This special has moments where she doesn't talk, and her reactions to everything she and the other two see on her journey make her rounded, more human. There's her mesmerised expressions when she's following the star. She looks like she's having a profound spiritual moment. This is the first episode to be digitally coloured and it is beautiful. Stunning palettes with a mixture of warm and cool colours that are really pleasing to the eye. It looks like no other Cartoon Network show.
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