13 Reasons Why: Winter Break (2020)
Season 4, Episode 1
Not as bad after you've seen the entire 4th season
19 December 2020
Can't help but notice the number of negative reviews that the 4th season got. The story-line is still amazing and the characters are still as interesting as ever (if not more so) however the writers jumped the shark back at the outset of season three. The first two seasons were about the death of Hannah Baker. We knew she'd killed herself and peeling back the layers of the story left us with some great characters (and villains) The second season improved on that formula if that was even possible. However the third season they decided to try and present new story developments and to present it as more of a mystery. Problem is, the same story telling style doesn't work with those story elements and I had to rewatch the entire third season in order to appreciate what it was showing.

The 4th season they've strayed even further. Having heard what I'd heard about some of the season 4 character developments I decided to stick with it and I suffered through the first four episodes before it even BEGAN to make sense as to what I was seeing. Now after several months I'm re-watching season 4 and there are good story elements and it can be enjoyable this time around but I wish these people would have just stuck with a story telling style that worked.

If you really loved seasons 1 and 2 and you're invested in the characters this is definitely worth the work but if you're just looking for an entertaining story well-told, this may not be your cuppa tea.
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