A Real Life Changer
15 December 2020
Every college kid knows that exams week is stressful. This semester was no exception, so to pacify our nerves, my animation class gathered together to watch Dorbees: Making Decisions. Before this half-hour piece of media was exposed to my eyeballs, I had no clue what to expect. Never would I have guessed that this magnificent film would change my life entirely.

Before watching Dorbees, I was a very indecisive person, but as the title would suggest, this film presented some great insight on how to make better choices. Why would I buy overalls at the general store for 59 cents when I could get some for free, like Flec did? Or wallow in a dark pit of despair for 15 years when I could ask Mary Jane to go get help, just as Jack did? This movie was surprisingly deep for a work meant for children. Thanks to Dorbees, I now can make informed, healthy decisions surrounding my shopping addiction and crippling depression.

The characters in Dorbees were extremely well-written and believable. Jack's burning desire for wanting to grow old reminded me of my own longing for an adult life of stability and success. Delta reminded me of the warm patriarch figure that is my grandfather. His soothing voice pulled me into the story and had me asking for more. Mr. Poe was a true hero and a noble man, which is what we need in this country more than ever. Even minor characters were amazingly detailed. The schoolteacher's love for math was an important reminder of the vital role arithmetic and geometry has in our science-based society.

My favorite character had to be Flec. His zany nature and ability to randomly pop up anywhere in the universe, thus breaking all laws of physics and normalcy, was a hilarious source of comic relief. His inability to enunciate his dialogue and speak at a speed that anyone could understand kept me on my toes. It was much fun trying to guess exactly what in the world he was saying! Oh, and I can't forget about the Dorbee who was watching TV in arbitrary cut scenes. I aspire to have a snack stash like his one day!

Perhaps the most impressive aspect about Dorbees (aside from the plot, characters, animation, really everything) was the music. I'm shocked they have yet to produce Dorbees: the Broadway Musical, because the soundtrack was STUNNING. "Go to Dig's" had some sick rhymes, and "I Wanna Be Grown Up" has been stuck in my head all day long. They also included some all-time classics in the movie, such as "U Can't Touch This" and "Rocky Mountain High." I wish I had the talent that the composers and singers in Dorbees possessed. One day, I would love to own the album from the film.

Overall, Dorbees: Making Decisions impacted me in ways I never would have imagined.

11/10, a must watch. I hope that it inspires you the way that it inspired me.

As my animation professor once said, "Dorbee on!"
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