Tiny Toon Adventures: How Sweetie It Is (1991)
Season 1, Episode 60
See it for "The Raven"
14 December 2020
"How Sweetie It Is" is to be seen for two primary reasons. One is if you are somebody who loves 'Tiny Toon Adventures', count me in as one of those people despite feeling through young adult eyes that not all the episodes are great. The other is Vincent Price if a fan of his, again he is one of my favourites and was no stranger to voice work at this point (he is the main reason as to why 'The 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo' is worth a look and his voice work for Rattigan is some of the best for any Disney villain.

Made up of "Egged on Eagle", "Lets Do Lunch" and "The Raven", "How Sweetie It Is" is not a great episode but it is worth watching and not as over-cute that it could easily have been. Was not crazy about one segment, one was decent and one was absolutely exceptional and one of the best segments of the show for a while. It was interesting to see a focus on secondary characters, in this case Sweetie, even if it was a choice that didn't come off completely successfully.

The segment that didn't do much for me was "Lets Do Lunch". Had no problem with Sweetie, but the segment felt rather bland, too cutesy, has nothing that much funny or inspired and Furrball has never for me been compelling enough as a character.

"Egged on Eagle" fares better. There is nothing original or hilarious, but it amuses, has more energy and isn't too cute. Sweetie has more personality than the name suggests and the rapprt with the eagle entertains.

It is "The Raven" that makes "How Sweetie It Is" worth seeing and elevates it from average to decent overall as an episode. It is funny, clever, has a lot of atmosphere (wonderfully dark) and having Vincent Price as narrator lampooning himself was an absolute masterstroke. As was the Edgar Allen Poe-style dialogue. Price himself is an absolute delight and worth seeing the episode for alone even.

Animation is great, especially in "The Raven". It is vibrantly coloured and beautifully rich in detail, not just the backgrounds but also the expressions and reactions of the characters which are wonderfully loony. The music is dynamic and characterful as always and the theme song has always brought a smile to my face. Something that was the case when a child and still is now. The voice acting is very good. The writing is excellent in "The Raven", though somewhat lacklustre in "Lets Do Lunch", and the story has enough entertainment and energy overall.

Pretty decent if not great, elevated by one exceptional segment and the guest star (Price). 7/10
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