Love letter milestone
14 December 2020
The premise for "Slice of Life" is an intriguing one, though it is one of those that can either be done brilliantly and affectionately or having too much of a try hard bloated feel and be a missed opportunity instead. It is very understandable as to why any fan of 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' would expect a lot from what is a milestone episode for it, the show's 100th, being one myself from the very beginning and, despite a number of bumps along the way, continued to be until the recent end of its run.

"Slice of Life" really delivered and more. Not just as a milestone episode or as a celebration of the show, but also as an episode of 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' in its own right. It is a standout episode of Season 5, the best episode for me up to this point of it (speaking as somebody that loved "Make New Friends But Keep Discord" and "The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone") and it became one of my favourites of the show at the time and still is one of them now.

Where to begin with the praise? The animation is vibrant and richly detail with fluid and very natural character designs. The music is dynamic and adds a lot to the energy, the standout being Octavia and DJ Pon-3's music number. The voice acting is excellent from all, everybody seemed to be having fun and put a lot of enthusiasm and emotion into all the lines. Peter New shines particularly.

Also brilliant is the writing. An expert mix of witty, affectionate and smart, it is not often you see an episode for anything that has such an appealing self-awareness and knowing it. There is a lot going on in "Slice of Life", with a lot of characters and interwining storylines there was the danger of too many characters and too much going on (so a case of too many cooks spoiling the broth). That managed to not be the case. Everything is compelling, nothing felt pointless, everything centered around the wedding was so entertainingly and affectionately done and the Mane 6's subplot excites and intrigue. The ending ties everything together beautifully.

Loved all the characters. All the Mane 6 are in character and with distinct personalities that are not distorted, dull or annoying. Their interaction is seamless and shines especially at the end. "Slice of Life's" supporting characters, minor characters from past seasons returning with expanded speaking roles, are a sheer delight. Great to see Derpy back.

Overall, wonderful. 10/10
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