We're all rooting for you, Joey!
12 December 2020
As a since 1986-long fan of the film Flight of the Navigator, I was shocked, of course, upon hearing that the star of the film, Joey Cramer, had been arrested in an attempted bank robbery several years ago. Certain details came out, but nothing to really explain it. Well, all his fans wondered what happened, but one fan, director Lisa Downs, actually reached out to Joey and they made a film together that explains everything, warts and all.

This is an excellent, heartfelt profile of Joey and his life, from early childhood to now, having gone through things most of us will never experience, the good and the bad. He really opens up, and knowing how long it took to film this whole project, we're able to follow his progress from good to better to best. Along the way, most of his co-stars from the movie are interviewed and offer nice insights. (even Sarah Jessica Parker makes a cameo, kinda/sorta!) I was impressed at the organic feel that Downs gave this, with a nice narrative throughout.

As with the original movie, you can tell this documentary was a labor of love. I was so excited when I first heard of it and have followed its progress for quite a while. And now having seen it, I'd have to think it could also be viewed as an additional kick in the pants for Joey to stay on the straight and narrow. ;) He's still a youthful, talented, handsome and, thankfully, healthy guy with an ongoing interest in the world of film, so don't be surprised if you see him on the big or little screen again sometime!

We're all rooting for you, Joey!
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