The Mandalorian: Chapter 15: The Believer (2020)
Season 2, Episode 7
No Season 2 slump
12 December 2020
Sci-fi genre fans should rejoice. Star Wars is back for real. There were flashes of brilliance within Force Awakens and Rogue One but their storylines were either abruptly ended (Rogue One) or mishandled (Kennedy/JJ/Rian dropped the ball big time after TFA).

Jon & Fioli have not allowed for a 2nd season slump. This season has been consistently great and show has been allowed time to breathe and develop. "The Believer" is an extremely good redemption story with a different twist.

Westworld had a great 1st season but inconsistent followup seasons. The Orville is a nice homage to TNG but has struggle to stand on its own. Star Trek Discovery might be the most mediocere prequel of all times. The Mandalorian joins great SCI-fi series like TNG, DS9, and BSG. Welcome fully back Star Wars.
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