Mr. Iglesias (2019–2020)
Definitely poorly researched! 😂🤣 Loved it but third instalment's episode discussed hereafter lost me!
10 December 2020
I love this show but started its third instalment and a sequence was shocking: India is where your life has been predetermined and predestined for ye, thanks to the caste system. Said segregation used to exist and may still do but only in quite the remotest and rural parts of India; just as it's ok for Southerners in the deep south to marry their first cousins and even get all rambunctious with their own sisters. See, latter may not still be true but see how the taste of your own medicine sucks ever so sublimely?! Atleast comparatively, our little flaw is not quite all that nauseating, I will say. 😂🤣

Besides, all ye know of India are the turban-folks and other North Indians. Did you know that she has a Southern half and that it's almost an entirely different land down there? Kerala, one of the two southernmost states, where I come from; know anything about it? Officially called something you wouldn't even believe but please, have some sense of responsibility and don't be a clone of Fox News!

Now, I do believe ye have atleast one of these touchscreen thingamajigs through which ye can access this magical realm called Wikipedia as well as the nirvana that is YouTube; do some basic research, rather than chose to being discriminatory, for when one brown sect chooses to mock another brown sect based on senselessly and poorly researched baseless 'facts', I say, kettle calling pot black is more sensible because former is hopelessly beyond pathetic and latter would be quite the cute scene!
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