Never without my son.
7 December 2020
Irene Dunne was the unquestionable queen of the thirties melodrama ;even when the story is mawkish to a fault, so over the top ,she saves the situation .

A model of a housewife, who helps her husband she cherishes and a young chemist to achieve their American dream,that is to say a dyer workers affair ;very soon (too soon maybe , but the movies were short at the time,being often part of a double-feature),they find themselves thrust to the high society and to a world of luxury.

Miss Dunne,in spite of her fortune,has remained a virtuous lady and she would give it all so as not to be denied the custody of her only child ; the trial would make the movie become thoroughly ridiculous, if it weren't for the actress ' performance, who in her final plea when she's prepared to take all the blame, will win you over; have your box of kleenex besides you.
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