SMG4: SMG4 Movie: Meggy's Destiny (2020)
Season 10, Episode 51
5 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm just gonna say that this is ONLY my opinion, I respect yours.

I resume the whole movie: Meggy; after alucinations with Desti's ghost, troubles with herself, and more; won the Splatfest, in a story full of clichés and with a bad and with an awful development new rival. That's it.

What's the biggest problem? That this is the last Splatfest. Why? Because they want, they didn't put any reason, they only said "This is the last Splatfest", which means "This is the last time Meggy will train in her entire life". Seriously?! Maybe you could say this is one of the worst decisions Luke and Kevin have ever made, specially if it has not any justification, but that is not Meggy's Destiny's fault. But before the last round of Splatfest, Meggy was again crying and didn't know how could she win as she passed the second round by almost nothing of difference, and she didn't feel sure as she was (and sadly she still is) a human. That's the emotional climax: Axol, after having watched Meggy was bad and angsty before in the movie, he told her some things and chilled her up, but the main frase he told her was the following one: "But you never stopped being Meggy".

(I'm really trying to calm down, but it's hard). SERIOUSLY?! ARE YOU REALLY TRYING TO MAKE US THINK SHE'S THE SAME, IN THE SAME MOVIE THAT SHE'S NEVER GONNA TRAIN ANYMORE IN HER ENTIRE LIFE? SERIOUSLY?!!!!!!!! HOW CAN YOU LUKE AND KEVIN BE SO HYPOCRITICAL?!!! Since she's a human, she is not the same! She's now a character who does absolutely nothing another character could not do! She's not cool or competitive anymore, she's now a flat and simple character, like the rest but much worse, with ultra forced humor imo, she gets angry or mindless for anything that happen, and she doesn't fight, she usually hides or runs away of problems instead of fighting as the inkling did (and when she fights, she's fighting things she should not, like in the episode "Food Wars". She does never fight (except in two episodes), compite in challenges nor train for Splatfest neither, seriously, we did never see she training from The Anime Arc. to here, and when Meggy's Destiny arrives, THAT'S THE LAST SPLATFEST WITHOUT A SINGLE REASON WHY? AND THEN THEY DO SAY THAT SHE'S THE SAME GIRL SHE WAS IN 2017? SERIOUSLY? SERIOUSLY?!!!!!!! And yeah, she won, she could make the promise she made to Desti, but that's all.

In my opinion, Meggy's Destiny is a criminally overrated sheet. Is an awful form of solving that promise. It did only solve it, it just made Meggy win Splatfest, but it ruined everything else. It got Meggy far from Splatfest and the worst thing is the hypocrisy of Luke and Kevin, they want to make you believe she's the same, in the same episode in which she's losing a very important part of her personality, and without any justification. Meggy's Destiny changed Meggy drastically, even more than she was, without any kind of justification, and it even wants to make you believe she's still the same with crappy and stupid emotional scenes. And does it work? Of course it does, the big majority of the modern SMG4 fans loved Meggy's Destiny, because they are easily surprised by ANYTHING done in SMG4, specially if it's done by a girl, specially if it's done by Human Meggy... and they fall in every emotional thing anyone does, so this is an excellent recipe for them to love it. It apparently affected everyone except for me, the only thing I can learn from this garbage is that not every emotional thing is automatically good. I hate Meggy's Destiny, it ruined Meggy much more than she already was, and without a single reason. It's proof that emotional things are not good just for being emotional. It wants to convince me that Meggy's still the same, when this right episode is showing that isn't true. SMG4 will never change, that's lame.
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