The debauchery, the manipulations... Hollywood
5 December 2020
Oh Hollywood. I've had the pleasure of living in this cesspool for almost 25 years now and I have to say that the director captured this hellhole spot on. The drinking to numb the pain. It's all very tragic.

I thought all of the actresses were totally believable in their roles with a standout performance from Pslams who played Baby Girl, a single mom who supports her little girl by working as an escort. Girl, you had me bawling my eyes out more than once.

The storyline is unique and intriguing. How the writer connected all the characters was seamless and the dialogue sticks with you. It felt very real -- "Im a very bad girl." LOL. "I'm a very bad girl, too, girl!" I saw another reviewer mention the line about "Little girls need their daddy's". Absolutely heartbreaking line. I was once a little boy who needed his daddy. This is the longest review I've ever written, but I can't shake this movie. A very intense roller coaster ride through the hell called Hollywood. Note to parents - love your daughters and sons. This film is a must see.
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