Kissing Joey's GF
3 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Chandler tells everyone he just saw Joey's gf naked when he went to the bathroom. Her skin is all smooth.

Joey gets a girl's number and Chandler gets excited thinking things are done with his gf. But no, its just that Joey will have dinner with this girl first and then his gf. Chandler says he must be unfulfilled having sex with a line of beautiful women.

Joey calls saying he will be late because of his car transmission.

Chandler has Baywatch on and tells the duck that they have firm and juicy breasts too. Joey's gf comes in and eventually they kiss.

Chandler has bought a ton of new stuff for their apartment out of guilt. Joey is excited about the TV - it appears out of no where - that is the dream!

The gang tells Chandler if he had told Joey beforehand Joey would have been fine with it.

Joey says that he broke up with his gf and Chandler tells him he likes Kathy. Joey accepts and says that its because he told him first. Chandler admits last night they did stuff and Joey asked if they slept together. Chandler said no just only kissed and Joey says that is worse.

Joey storms out angry at Chandler.
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