Review of Hoarders

Hoarders (2009– )
In a mad world, sane people are deemed mad
3 December 2020
We live in a world with overproduction and overconsumption. The lifecycle of stuff is as short as ever. We learn to trash stuff with only minor faults, because buying new stuff is easier than repairing.

Hoarders see this madness. Like hundreds of generations before us they see the value in things. A simple plastic bag is an engineering marvel with a thousand uses. How can you trash something like that?

Sadly, there isn't room for this frugality today. You have to learn to trash useful stuff to survive, it's all turned upside down. And that's the mentality the show is forcing upon the poor hoarders.

Their houses are always put on stake to make the process as fast and hurtful as possible for maximum entertainment. And alternative idea for a show: Going through things with them, talking about their memories attached to their things and planning what do do with the things. This approach would fill a whole season out of every case and be much more supportive and interesting.

This show is all about creating conflict and entertaining. The cleaning is a fast and traumatic process that doesn't really help people, but just gives them space to start anew. Helpful downsizing must be a gradual process with time to reflect, mourn and change.
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