Amazingly Insightful and Inspirational Documentary
1 December 2020
Amazing eye opening film. This documentary is one that I believe all our police (science) programs in colleges should present to the students before completing their credits for graduating and also I believe should be readily available at all times to be reviewed as necessary in all our police departments too. It is a valuable lesson and tool that can help save so many lives including possibly their own in the field of policing. This documentary is well worth the time to view over and over again. We all can learn from this film; not just our law enforcement, but also firefighters, nurses, doctors, anyone in the position of helping others including a regular civilian because it's going to take all of us to make a difference in the lives of one another.

I myself work in the Mental Health and Addiction field, I live with a Mental Illness, I am in Recovery, I am a Survivor of attempted Suicide, and I am a volunteer within a few Mental Health and Suicide Awareness and Prevention Organizations to where I see first hand what the affects of someone not knowing what to do to help another person can do and the miscommunication, the stigma, misunderstanding, and uncertainties can destroy a person in many ways and also a community if we don't find ways to work together and help each other. This documentary is crisis intervention, it's coping skills and mechanisms, while de-escalating possible confrontations with people and everything else one can think of surrounding being a good human being towards another human being equals Kindness.

Joe and Ernie are with the San Antonio, Texas Police Department and they're diverting people away from jail and into Mental Health treatment programs. Their knowledge, experience, compassion, expertise, love, and support helps to guide people to help and recovery instead of getting lost within the system of jail time. I myself can watch this documentary over and over again because it's ones like this that help break the barriers that have kept us from the realities of what's happening in our world that we so desperately need to stay on the forefront of instead of silenced and keep helping each other one day at a time and one step at a time to save lives.

Thank You Ernie and Joe and everyone that helped make this documentary a reality for people to see and also learn from as well as your department who continue to support your vision of helping to see people where they're at mentally as far as trying to help them and not so much as to what they've done because asking the question "what happened to you" is smarter, wiser, respectful, important, truthful, honorable moreso than asking someone "what's the matter with you". Amazing film and Thank You for being open and honest with people in general. Prayers, Peace, and Love Deanna Culver
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