BET Hip Hop Awards (2016 TV Special)
Very disappointing, makes it easy to not like hip hop and rap music
29 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, here we have the BET Hip Hop Awards that took place in September 2016, so more than four years ago and of course those were the times where people could wwatch these shows in the audience and in the crowd and also did not have to cover their mouth and nose. Hopefully, we are getting these times back eventually at some point in the near future. But let's not focus too much on the disease now and instead elaborate a bit on this event. There are not too many information honestly about this show here on imdb, which may explain why it barely reached five votes with mine now and also why the rating is relatively low. The host is DJ Khaled. I heard the name before, but I cannot really say anything about his art and music. As for the information I got from this show, I don't think it is really my loss. Wasn't particularly impressed. I mean I watched a show hosted by Snoop Dogg the other day, same even other year, and that one was so much more entertaining in terms of both the host and also the entire show itself. As for the basics, the one wriiter credited here is Mitchell Marchand and these events seem to be exactly his niche. He has worked very rarely as an actor, but so many times as a writer on BET Awards and BET Hip Hop Awards too, so absolutely no surprise that he is not only part of this show, but one of really not too many that are also credited. Then again, in terms of the people who were a part of it, but not in front of the camera, there are more names available here. They probably need the credits more and that is perfectly fine. Those you saw during the broadcast were big enough stars enough anyway and besides, they may have other places where they are featured more prominently than a movie database because they are almost all of them musicians. This show ran for 1.5 hours, minimally longer in fact, but this is just the duration if we don't count commercial breaks. Otherwise we'd probably be around the two-hour mark. Marcia Adams, the only other cast member here, I can say virtually nnothing about, but her inclusion was probably just very briefly. And even if not, then it was most likely not significant in anyway that it had an impact on the show. Which may be a good thing becase those who did, did not really have a good impact. But you can say Adams was as forgettable here as everything else, except two or three truly negative moments, but I shall get to these in the second paragraph.

These moments I am talking about were mostly political. There was one group performing here or maybe just a single rapper, do not remember exactly in detail, but one of his lines was that it is impossible for Black people to be racist. I could not disagree stronger. This is of course a viewpoint that would be much appreciated now in 2020 with what has been going on except corona, so you can say this man was surely ahead of its time, but not in a good way from my entirely subjective perspective. Although I personally think this is an objective viewpoint because even with the history that happened, it puts one race above the other and I cannot agree with such an approach one bit. Another political inclusion I did not like one bit was how we have a Trump impersonator. Well, what can you say, this show happened very briefly before Trump got elected. And before the probably biggest and longest (to this day) smear campaign in the public media began. Embarrassing. But I am drifting away now. The one thing you can say is that D Khaled's words near the very end for people to vote did not happen to an extent that would have helped Clinton into office. Good think for all I am concerned. Anyway, back to the music aspect. This is the key aspect and that is really a problem I have with so many awards shows, especially those about the music industry. The reason is that the amount of awards you see in here is minimal compared to the time in which we see people perform. This may be okay for the people right there wathcing them and hearing them perform live, but for everybody on the screen, they can simply watch a concert DVD. I am one who cares about the awards more than anything. And how there is not even one every ten minutes is just an utter embarrassment for an awards show and it really takes the entire thing into failure territory. It may sound harsh, but it is true. When you are told in school to make a presentation on Mozart and instead you do one on Beethoven and mention Mozart on five occasions, then it's a "Failed" and same applies to this event here. The music also really did not win me over at all. I mean we are thrown in since minute one really. There was not even an intro, nothing really, but the first performance starts the moment the show starts. Oh yeah, sometimes it is also a bit weird like when Khaled sits on a horse the way Putin did in some old video. The Russian felt more like a leader and masculine. Not entirely sure if they really wanted to spoof that or if it was just the connection I made in my messed-up mind, but in any case it wwas not a quality inclusion. Nothing here really is. The performances did not make an impact whatsoever and will turn nobody into a hip hop fan who wasn't before already. Actually, it may turn some away from the genre because it felt so generic all of it, so interchangeable. The awards were just as forgettable. I think I remember Kendrick Lamar too home one early and that's it pretty much and that says it all because, like I wrote earlier, I am one who cares about the awards more than anything that is part oof the show. But here I lost interest so quickly. The only somewhatg good inclusion was the lifetime achievement awards (or whatever they call it for this event) going to Snoop Dogg. Surprises me though that it took until 2016 for them to do so. And even his words why Grammys mean nothing to him (true or not) were a really interesting inclusion. He may not always seem like it, but he is a very well-spoken man. But he alone cannot save this one unfortunately. I give the outcome here with no hesitation a major thumbs-down. Watch something else instead, no matter if you love hip hop or hate it. Absolutely not recommended. And one thing i also find fairly problematic is that this was held in mid-September and aired in early October, so over two weeks in-between. Sorry, but who wants to see that then? Award shows need to be live. Always. So more failure here. Definitely skip.
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