Bosch: Good People on Both Sides (2020)
Season 6, Episode 2
Best episode of this almost-redeemable season
29 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
My overall rating of "Bosch"'s Season 6: 3/10

In this season a few of the episode titles play with D. Trump's quotes (for some reason), this being the most egregious example. I don't particularly like that, as the series mostly has a tradition of saying the episode title outloud, and I think following it gives it a specific charm.

With that said, there are a couple great scenes here, such as most of the showdown at the sovereigns' compound (although unfortunately they had to find a way to have the cop live, for "happy-end" reasons) or Edgar's dialogue with Avril. However there are also some stranger things too, especially the things to do with the FBI agents' actions/inactions and being blamed for them. The heavy stakes are felt, the craziness of the sovereigns plays off well off the cruelty and brutality of the law enforcement, and so this episode is decent enough.
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