Much more than a comedy.
28 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have fond memories of watching this film with my mom when I was a kid. Usually around the holidays. I enjoyed it but didn't really "get" it.

It's only now that I'm much older that I feel like it understand it.

Huges was a genius, and this is his masterpiece. It's easy to get stuck on the escapades Neal and Del find themselves in, and miss the multiple themes. You can emphasize with both characters in different ways and see parts of yourself in each of them. Watching it a second time knowing the facts gives a different perspective and deeper meaning to the film.

Huges balances the perfect amount of comedy with situations that aren't too far from reality. He then measures that with wonderful, heartfelt drama. I don't think there is a director/writer out there that can do this. He brings the best out of Martin and Candy. Del Griffiths feels real because of John Candy is amazing, but because Huges was able to make the character fit the actor.

It's a beautiful combination of one of the best directors, and two of the best comedic actors of our time. Coupled with excellent cinematography, production design, and soundtrack.

I keep coming back to this film because of the bittersweet feeling it gives me. I smile when I think of my mom commenting on how she misses John Candy. I miss him too, and I think what John Huges did with this movie was to create a lasting memory of one of the nicest, most genuine, and funniest actors we ever had.

Perfect movie. RIP Huges, and Candy.
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