Star Trek: Discovery: Unification III (2020)
Season 3, Episode 7
Above Average Episode
27 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not a bad episode, most of it revolving around a tribunal simile. As others have mentioned we get Burnham doing emotional monologuing again. The monologuing here actually made sense, it was a court case after all. But the emotional speech would've had much much more impact, if Burnham wasn't giving one, even two per episode. The show runners and writers must cut back on the monologuing, particularly in Burnham's case. Monologuing is defined as something bad for a reason. And crying again at the end, seriously? Criticism here won't have any effect on this season as it's wrapped production. But you never know, season 3 is receiving some of the fiercest criticism since the show started (Klingons!). Maybe they'll take notice and try and turn it into a more traditional Star Trek ensemble show in season four, with away missions and everything?

In this episode, some of the ensemble crew, namely Tilly and Saru are given something to do. Again as others have mentioned, even Stamets and Tilly in the episode, promoting an ensign to 1st Officer makes absolutely no sense! I mean seriously can you imagine ensign Nog being promoted to Kira's position on DS9? Or what about promoting Wesley Crusher to Commander Rikers? Maybe the writers were aware of how ridiculous this was so attempted to mitigate damage to viewers confidence in the show? This side story seems shoehorned in, purely to give other actors something to do. The characters wouldn't have to be shoehorned in, if their characters were being allowed to develop. In chain of command reality, having an unexperienced, even undisciplined at times ensign as 1st officer would create more problems than it solved. That is experienced qualified officers being told what to do, by someone who wouldn't have a clue what they're on about! Come to think of it though, maybe some of the more junior members of the Discovery production team could do a better job than the current senior staff. Maybe life should imitate art here? I can think of two crew members off the top of my head who would make better 1st officers than Tilly, Stamets (Lieutenant Commander) and Reno (a Commander no less! Perfect!). I also have Vulcan logic issues with Burnham declaring she's the Daughter of Sarek and Amanda, then her actual Mum turns up. If Burnham was even a fraction as logical as a Vulcan she would declare her Vulcan family as her adoptive family, to avoid confusion.

Finishing off I repeat my demands for season 4, we've stuck with this for 3 seasons now, make Discovery a more traditional Star Trek ensemble show, giving the ensemble crew their own distinct identities and backstories please. Probably the most liked character in Discovery is Saru, why? Because we know his backstory and his actions and behaviour more or less make sense, minus promoting an ensign into a position she shouldn't be capable of filling, or she would already be a lieutenant not an ensign. If one of the major criticisms of the show is the character the show is supposed to be about makes no sense and isn't gelling with most of the fanbase, i.e. Burnham, you know you have serious problems.
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