So Very Lame
25 November 2020
I know, I know, there are a lot of really schlocky Christmas movies already out there.

But just because this is a LGBT Christmas tale - and thus "quietly groundbreaking" (or whatever) - doesn't give this flick the right to be THIS god-awful.

It sucks in every trope-y, contrived and cringeworthy way possible, as well as blazing new ways to be bad.

If anything, this film should have been written as a cut-above, since it's forging into new territory and attempting to build a new tradition.

Honestly, the only redeeming scene was Eugene Levy's short soliloquy about the relativity of different coming out experiences. That's IT!

Also, I felt that the two female gay leads were portrayed as excessively girlish and asexual. Their depiction was way too cutesy and sophomoric to be credible, and IMO it was actually offensive.

It's as if the film makers felt they had to neuter this lesbian couple to not offend mainstream viewers.

Well, that offended me!

And again, this movie was just SO terrible in all the aforementioned ways.

No matter what your sexual orientation may be, this film deserves a HARD PASS.

Maybe next Christmas will serve up some better LGBT offerings.

That's MY 2021 Christmas wish!
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