Barnaby Jones: A Gold Record for Murder (1974)
Season 2, Episode 18
Lamefest smorgasbord extrordonaire !
22 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Holy moly where to begin ? We have a real howler here folks. A goofball rockstar that looks like the son of the dentist on Newhart.. A tiny pill that can be disolved in a cup of coffee,is apparently tasteless,and one sip puts you out/comatose.. The rockstar is not all that people think he is,he has a ghostwriter that has written most of his songs for him. Mr. ghostwriter wants more money,credit on the future albums, royalties,etc. Rockstar bumps him off instead. Rockstar's manager figures it out,and puts heat on Rockstar to sign a new contract. Rockstar kills him next.. During all this,there are small snippets of the Rockstar's music played,most of it is terrible with maybe a couple semi-catchy riffs tossed in for good measure,or more likely by accident.. The show drags and meanders along at a snail's pace with little excitement or spark. We do get to see and hear Barnaby play acoustic guitar and sing for a minute or two,that is probably the high-point of the episode. Barnaby is actually better at music than the Rockstar,but not by much.. The final showdown between Barnaby and the Rockstar is a gunfight punctuated with the best music of the show. Rockstar gets shot right as his girlfriend enters the room,and she does not seem the least bit concerned about his condition ! This is a true howler,no ifs ands or buts.
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