November 19 - National Rocky & Bullwinkle Day
19 November 2020
The premier episode of Rocky & Bullwinkle was aired on November 19, 1959. I was 13 and the show became a staple in my household during its first run from 1959-1964. As I grew older I watched it in reruns. Even as an adult, I enjoyed the puns and silly situations.

Tomorrow, November 19, 2020 is the 61st anniversary of the premier episode. I did not know that there was a holiday devoted to Rocky and Bullwinkle. When I found out I checked out IMDB for an update and was unpleasantly surprised at all the negative reviews about The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle. I had to speak up.

Early in the year 2000 I was in a movie theater waiting for a movie to start. A couple of trailers had already come on. Then, a trailer started with a view of crowds. People started pointing to the sky. "Look, up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane..." For a second I thought "Oh, another Superman movie." Then, a life sized Bullwinkle J. Moose standing amid real people, followed by Rocket J. Squirrel flying through the air. "Incredible, a live action Rocky & Bullwinkle movie."

The movie was released in June 2000 and I watched it with the enthusiasm of a 13 year old and the wisdom of a 54 year old. It was awesome. Was it silly and stupid? Of course. Even the characters self-deprecatingly admit it. Narrator: "Even their wordplay had gotten hackneyed and cheap." Bullwinkle: "No. It was always like this." Therein lies the charm of the movie.

Today, at the top of the IMDB page I saw a 4.2 star rating. I thought "Did I miss something 20 years ago?" I just finished watching it again. No, I didn't miss anything. It was just as awesome now (I'm 74) as it was 20 years ago.

It's the naysayers that missed the whole point of the movie - FUN. To them I quote FBI agent Karen Sympathy: "What you believe in when you are young can still be true when you grow up."

To the rest of us who love the franchise, young or old, "Hooray, we have a holiday." Watch the movie every year on November 19.
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