The Office: Ben Franklin (2007)
Season 3, Episode 14
The Guys Don't Like Strippers
18 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Michael reminds them it is 6 days till Phyllis's wedding and says prima nocte. Jim tells us prima nocte is a term that came from the movie Braveheart and it means how the king was able to deflower all the new wedded brides on their wedding night.

Michael gets jealous when Angela reminds him it is girls only for the bridal shower. Michael says there is also a guys' afternoon out - GAI - pronouncing it as "gay" making Karen snort. Michael realizes this and tries to explain but ends off with that it is like guys' showering together for one hour.

One of Michael's higher-up work buddies come in and Michael tells him to come to the bachelor party - get rid of the work he has to do that time. The guy asks if they are hiring a stripper and asks Michael if he has ever been to a bachelor party. Michael says not personally no. The guy says strippers are bachelor party 101 and it will be lame if there isn't one.

Michael announces there will be co-ed strippers in the office. Michael whispers asking Jim to hire them but he refuses and Dwight speaks up to take the job. Dwight calls and has specific preferences - ruddy cheeks, no tats, etc. It is implied the person he spoke to misunderstood asking no breasts (because no tats). Dwight says yes of course he wants those. Dwight asks Jim for input on what to choose and Jim says blonde. Pam and Karen just watch uncomfortably in silence.

Benjamin Franklin was called in for the girls (Jim did so intentionally). Karen asks him if he has a gf and then Pam asks him about all the women in Paris he was with. Benjamin Franklin ties a cherry stem in his mouth and Karen hilariously cries out Benjamin Franklin just tied a cherry stem in this mouth! Pam asks what type of underwear does he wear - boxers, briefs or pantaloons making Karen smile.

Jim and Dwight are in the parking lot waiting for their stripper and Jim asks if Dwight has ever even seen a stripper. Dwight references an actress. Jim says yeah he neither. The blonde stripper comes in and Dwight labels her as sort of hot.

Michael introduces the stripper and all the guys just watch in silence. There is this feeling of uncomfortableness and vibes that no one wants to be that guy. Pam's ex says he doesn't like strippers. The groom says it's all you and sits back. Michael offers to take the lap dance and the stripper pops off her top and dances.

Michael senses the uncomfortableness - you can see on all the men's faces - Ryan's, Jim's, Stanley' seems like the men actually don't like strippers? The atmosphere and vibes surprised me, it felt like they felt they did not support the industry. Michael asks for music to stop and storms up the steps saying she should be ashamed and he has a gf.

Dwight makes the stripper take phone calls because they hired her for three hours and they plan to make her work for the hours.

Jim, Pam, Ryan and the indian girl are in one shot together. She asks Ryan if he thought the stripper was hot because she didn't really think so and Ryan tells her she knows what she is doing.

Benjamin Franklin tells Pam he senses electricity between them and basically hits on her.

Pam asks Ryan to get her connected with one of his business school friends for a date.
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