Review of Nocturne

Nocturne (II) (2020)
I read most of the other reviews with fascination about their differing variations...
17 November 2020
Mine is that this is also a movie about the different sides of sibling rivalries. Perhaps the ultimate version of them because this one is between "wombies", aka twins. I've always known twins to be so close and so supportive of each other that it's hard to imagine that there could also be dangerous rivalries. That one could be emotionally traumatized by the other sibling. The same as can occur between non-twin siblings. I grew up with a case of sibling rivalry that continues to affect my relationships with my brother and sister to this day. So I can relate to this drama play. The psychological thriller element is intriguing because it raises questions like 'what could have been', or 'what might have been'. Even 'wait, what just happened?' Movies such as this that attempt to portray the interpersonal relationships of siblings is fascinating in what it can reveal about the pro- and antagonists in both the best of relationships and the very worst. The things that can affect our other relationships later in life too. The only potential "spoiler" I will reveal is my observation that one must really watch out for the silent ones. The emotionally too detached relationship. And don't ever give up trying to break through to find whatever it is that 'haunts' them and that prevents you from being close with them. Those conversations can be troubling perhaps. But the effort expended while attempting to better understand each other can be a wonderful revelation. So always love the one you're with, and make sure they properly perceive your love and affection for them.
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