Not a great movie adaptation but...
14 November 2020
...my main reason for adding this review is speculating on why so many of the more positive reviews mis-spell Sven Hassel's name in the same way ('Sven Hassle').

Seems legit...


Aaaaanyway, so this turned up on UK TV and I watched it again after a long interval.

Back story: I was an almost fanatical fan of the books in my teens. I tracked this film down on rental in about 1989 when I was about 16, rigged two VHS players up and made a copy.

Boy was I disappointed. The book it wasn't.

Watching it again after ~33-34 years, it's nowhere near as bad as I remembered. Sure, it's no Saving Private Ryan, but it does make a decent effort with an obviously microscopic budget, the tank scene is... spirited I suppose. David Carradine and Oliver Reed chew the scenery in a satisfactory way.

And despite what the other reviews say, it actually makes a fairly good stab at capturing the atmosphere and spirit of the book. Square-jawed German heroes these are not.

Finally, I note now that the actor that plays Sven was also the young blond Russian soldier in Cross of Iron, a thematically similar - albeit far superior - film.

A slightly surprised 6/10.
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