Started well, then crashed
13 November 2020
This series could have been highly successful if it had been written and planned properly. The reason why this show got low ratings is mainly because of the writing. The story is all over the place. We jump from one thing to another without resolving the previous conflict. Some moments are sooo stretched out, only to fill up screen-time. Meaningless events that have nothing to do with the main plot take up half of the episode and the viewers are left hanging, waiting for something that will advance the plot to happen. The story doesn't flow well. It was rushed, very confusing, cliche, and cringey. The character of Aysen is very frustrating to watch. They portray Aysen as easy, impulsive, thoughtless, foolish girl that doesn't know how to express herself. I feel bad for the main actress, since its not her fault that the series failed, it's the writer's fault. Instead they blame it on the main actress, remove her from the show and replace her with another actress 2 episodes before the end? The only good thing I can say about this show is its heartwarming to watch. The family moments were funny and cute. The chemistry between the characters was nice, acted out well. The problem was the unfolding and ending of the story.
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