Big Top Evil (2019)
The hell did I just watch
12 November 2020
Look, it's not as if I'm expecting some classic when I intentionally choose a Grade Z horror movie on Prime, but nothing happens in it for a full 42 minutes and 51 seconds. I don't ask for much, but is it really that difficult to give me something to chew on along the way?

Before that, there's one too many closeups of people chewing, some weirdo in a gas stations gets shot, and two frat bros write the worst frat bro song I've ever heard that goes, "la da da da." There are aimless characters that show up out of the blue who appear to serve no purpose, but I'm guessing they're friends of the director who wanted a part. So he made a few up. The most annoying character in horror movie history gets to live about 42 minutes longer than he should, and no joke, the dialogue sounds like it was written by somebody who has the most basic understanding of the English language.

And it took TWO people to direct this mess.

No. Just no.
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