Review of Induction

Industry: Induction (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
12 November 2020
Industry is a dark thriller about the world of investment banking.

When I saw the trailer I thought it was the new series of The Apprentice. I was expecting Alan Sugar to pop up.

The first episode follows a group of new graduates who are told in no uncertain term that this is a dog eat dog world. Half of the new intake will not survive in six months at Pierpoint & Co's trading floor.

By the end of the first episode there is already a casualty.

There are no surprises with some of the tropes here. It is no secret in this type of work the hours are long with 7.00 am starts and working until late at night.

There are boozy lunches, drugs, sex, partying, backstabbing and trying to gain superiority.

The leading character in the first episode for me was Harper Stern from New York. She had an uncomfortable taxi ride but quickly made a big deal. However there is something in her resume that needs validating.

There were not many likeable characters here but then again it is a shark tank.
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