Star Trek: Discovery: Forget Me Not (2020)
Season 3, Episode 4
For those who criticise the diversity in Discovery, remember your canon
11 November 2020
I had to write this review because other reviewers complaining about the lack of straight white men made me so angry. There are some weaknesses in this episode but it's not the presence of LGBTIQ+ characters. Star Trek is and always has been groundbreaking when it comes to diversity and inclusion. Remember the first onscreen inter-racial kiss? Ahura. The first crew had a Japanese American actor twenty years after the end of WW2. Sulu. And how about representations of women in positions of power? Captain Janeway, always calm under fire. Star Trek first contact principles have always been not to colonise. Those of you who are complaining about Discovery being too woke for the canon have forgotten your roots.
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