It's safe to go back in the water.
11 November 2020
Evil in the Deep is a contemporary treasure hunt pot boiler. Contemporary in this instance means early 1970s. Don't worry a unique dotage awaits us all. In my own case the decades do seem to run into each other.

This film doesn't really need another negative review but I've invested 105 minutes so have earned the right.

The film only has one plus, Cheryl Ladd, three years before 1977s Charlie's Angels. She was always the thinking man's favourite Angel and is certainly mine. Stephen Boyd, the male lead was starting to drift into Italian sagas at about this time. I'm not certain as to how the thinking woman feel about him.

The review? A wooden, clumsy, transparent production which lacks decisive direction, believable characterization, anything like production values nor a credible narrative. Of course none of this applies to Cheryl Ladd. The director, Virginia L. Stone who passed away in 1997, directed three movies all on a par with The Treasure of Jamaica Reef. Run if You Can, is about a woman who accidentally sees a snuff film via her satellite dish. Money to Burn explores the escapades of a school counsellor and two of his clients who decide to rob a bank. Stone's other area of cinematic endeavour was editing. Let's hope that she was better at this.

To make matters worse the dvd copy I have is put out by Flashback Entertainment, a discount dvd manufacturer here in Australia. The quality of the 'print' is appalling. It is grainy to the point barely being watchable in parts and the sound is what you would expect given what is appearing on screen.

I can only suspect that there was some sort of State or Federal tax right off or financial incentive for film production at this time.

Even so, it does have Cheryl Ladd in it.
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