StarGirl (2017)
Sometimes okay, sometimes not so much
8 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"StarGirl" is a British live action short film from 2017, so this one is a bit over three years old now as this was a summer release. It runs for minimally over 20 minutes and two minutes approximately are credits. The writer and director is James Price and this is a bit of a rarity here to see him as the guy in chrage because he almost never writes and directs, but instead is busy in the art direction department, even on really successful films like the recent Oscar-winning "Judy". The story here could not be any more different. The title and the poster already give away that this is science fiction of course. It is the story of a simple man, a sheep farmer who is outside one day when there are a bunch of shooting stars visible in the sky, but these shooting stars are not really what they seem because the result of (at least) one of them is that an alien comes down to planet Earth. The farmer finds her and hides her identity and who she really is from everybody, including those that are the closest to him. Not only because he hides her in a place initially where nobody can easily find her, but in the next scene the next day or so she wears a lot of make-up and looks like a human basically. Does not sound like one, but more like a robot. Which surprised me a bit that the elderly lady coming by to visit did not get one bit suspicious. I mean not really about the fact that he could indeed have an alien with him, but at least that something was wrong. The voice was just so off-putting that she must have been skeptical one bit at least. Okay what else is there to say? I felt this filmw as a bit exaggerated and gimmicky, even for a story where we have an alien coming don to Earth. I still thought Andrew Price, the lead actor, did a decent job and the film probably would have been worse without him. Is he related to the director by the way? Not too important. The ending I am still a bit undecided on if I liked it or not, but I think it's more of the latter. So my overall verdict here is that this is a film that seeing once is already one time too many perhaps, even if it never failure territory. I especially liked to see the shooting stars and how they depicted her (or "her") arrival this way. If you still wanna go for the watch here, the cinematographer of this short film uploaded the entire thing on Vimeo. Thanks and you're welcome. My suggestion is to skip though, even if science fiction is your favorite genre. It's never a really rewarding watch.
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