One of the best films I've seen lately
8 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't expecting this. I thought it will be some kind of low budget story about Roswell, New Mexico, probably badly acted and with a formulaic plot. It was none of that. In fact, I am amazed on how careful they were with the details, the acting, the production in general. It is a story of alien encounter, but slow burning, focusing on the characters and the era. Quite frankly, I was blown away. It might feel kind of slow, but get into its rhythm and you will not get disappointed. The only thing that bothered me, ever so slightly, was that there was not enough focus on the actors' faces, it kept them a bit obscured. I am sure it was by design and part of the atmosphere of the story, but I wish it were lighted differently.

Bottom line: if you like good sci-fi, people doing their best to build something beautiful and a film with meaning, watch this.

P. S. It might be difficult to get through the first 15 minutes, they use a lot of American jargon from the 50s, but don't worry, what they are saying is not relevant to the story at large, it's just setting things up.
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