Dreadful, just dreadful.
8 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First off, the film's title is ridiculous, and why do I feel like I've watched this movie a dozen times before? maybe because I have! lol, there's nothing refreshing about this film, just clichè after clichè.

I don't know much about the rivalry between India and Pakistan on Kashmir but man, the story told here is one-sided and propaganda-ish. The Pakistanis or Muslims are always portrayed as one-dimensional evil terrorists who have no morals or common sense, and that their sole existence is wipe out non-muslims whereas their Indian counterparts are portrayed as the good guys, saint, and patriotic which in reality is not the case.

there's some kinda love triangle or love "rectangular" or something thrown into the story, that's sure to bore you to death. I think their part is what dragged on the story that could have been told in less than an hour and a half.

Okay, so the terrorists want to capture the Minister's daughter as some kinda of leverage but why him or his daughter is never clear.

There are some needless expositions especially in the opening scene, with the main terrorist, it's so expository that you could predict what the movie is going to be from the beginning.

The dialogue is unbelievably bland, and stupid, the Minister's daughter was captured and he was asked to release some terrorist for his daughter's life but what did he say? "I must put my country first, screw my daughter, I care about my country than my own daughter". he then resigned, what? if you can't saved your daughter how can you be even proud of yourself much less of your country, isn't the country made up of group of families? who would do anything to protect each other? that's just idiotic thing to say or do. And there's this scene where they find a clue, and then there's a file, they have to keep asking "sir is a wallpaper, should we download it?", "sir it's encrypted should I decrpyt it? ", " sir it's binary code, should I decode it?" it's just frustrating, in a well-crafted script, a professional IT guy will not asking those questions, but rather carry on and do it.

There's one terrible comic relief guy, that whenever he's on screen there's some kinda Snapchat effect, I don't understand why they put that but it's just dumb and it's distracting. Unfortunately, this comic relief guy was killed, and the scene has got to be one of the most dramatic scene I've seen in a while, the rest of the characters were just weeping helplessly, for a character that's irrelevant to the story, they show way too much emotion, it's just laughable.

The lead police guy is charismatic, but he puts the same angry face throughout the movie, what's he angry at? the director or maybe the movie in whole?, yeah it must be the movie, 'cause that's the same face I put too while watching this god-awful movie.
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