Midsomer Murders: The Fisher King (2004)
Season 7, Episode 3
Celtic mystery
8 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have to smile, a little bit, reading all these reviews of how complicated this episode was. Not that I don't agree that it was complicated.

But If you intend to try to follow and solve the mysteries of Midsomer, as you're watching,--keeping up with who was who, what was what, and why who was doing what to who--you need to make a bloody flow chart every time you watch the show.

This episode did not strike me as being that much more complex than most. The episode was decent in making some kind of crazy sense, after it was over and I had time to "ruminate" on it. And that is not always the case with Midsomer Murders, in my experience.

As an American with some Irish blood in him, I particularly enjoyed the Celtic lore thrown in, which I assume had some validity to it.

The one thing I did "roll my eyes over", as another reviewer mentioned, was the reveal that the long dead Roger Heldman seemed to have fathered, illegimately, about half the village! And it seemed like it was a secret to so many!

The Midsomer producers were very fair in giving us a clue to the murderer, by briefly, and blurringly, showing the hand of the killer. I admit that I missed the clue--I must have been working on my flow chart at the moment.

The episode had a good mix of characters, interesting and mostly sympathetic. The one creep was the first victim killed, so that was nice!

And newbie Sergeant Dan Scott (John Hopkins) has, I believe, done a good job--as a character and an actor--in fitting into the rhythm of the show.
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