Seinfeld: The Bottle Deposit (1996)
Season 7, Episode 20
7 November 2020
I like the bit where the whole episode should've just been 'The Bottle Deposit' (that's why the writers always name it, right... Or it cuz Jerry told 'em not to spend a lot of time on comin' up with the name n' focus on the stupid stories). So, anyway, yeah. Just Kramer and Newman's adventure is the only storyline that appealed me, which is usually the case. Either one outta the four or none at all. A whole hour episode that has a lot of bull-ish yammerin' like ''Brad Garett's automechanic 1-0-1'', the whole ''downtown'' scene filler, which is a reference only ''Sein-Fans'' would know 'bout cuz they're that old!!! Overall, just like the whole entire series itself: Meh...
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