Star Trek: Discovery: Forget Me Not (2020)
Season 3, Episode 4
Michael 'I am the Chosen One!' Burnham Strikes again.
6 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Whew, where to start...

For one, Michael had absolutely no reason for being in this episode. Her involvement is so mind-numbingly pointless it's ridiculous. You know who the focus of this episode should've been? Dr. Culber. From the jump, this episode was setting itself up to be from Dr. Culber's perspective, and it advertised itself pretty clear that he'd be the one to join Adira on her quest. He's the logical choice, after all, he knows how it feels to be the odd one out. He shares an experience no one else on Discovery could relate to, and he suffered trauma because of it. But then he found his way back to a healthy state of mind. Dr. Culber was the tic-for-tac go-to guy to accompany Adira on figuring out why she and her symbiont were different. Someone who could relate with her unrelatable predicament. Heck, even Stamets would had been a good choice.

But why use any of them when you got a Michael Burnham on hand?

Michael Chosen One Burnham ends up going down to the trill homeworld with Adira because... honestly, I don't know why. Seriously, these Michael centric episodes grow tiresome. I feel in this instance it was just way too obvious. I hate how literally every single crewmember is stuck on the Discovery doing absolutely nothing whilst Michael gets to go down with the once in a lifetime human/symbiont hybrid and nobody bats an eye?

A human/symbiont hybrid was seemingly impossible... yet some random medic bots were able to transfer a symbiont from its trill host to a human and the operation is successful? The host doesn't die, the symbiont doesn't die. So much for being impossible.

So then what exactly have the trill been doing in the last thousand years? How haven't they discovered this for themselves? Yeah, yeah, The Burn messed them up, but you mean to tell me in the several centuries prior to The Burn, there haven't been any instance of non-trill hosts being discovered in the galaxy. Not one? This makes no sense.

In the end, I found this episode to be mediocre. Cut out Michael and replace her with characters that are in desperate need for more development and growth and this would have been a winner.
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