Invisible Sister (2015 TV Movie)
What Were They Thinking?!
5 November 2020
I give Disney a lot of leeway with their made for tv films. They are going for a very specific (and frankly important) niche. Preteen girls need to have their voice echoed on screens and Disney is one of the very few companies that makes a concerted effort in that area. That niche comes with certain freedoms, but it also binds their hands in important ways as well. I get that. And I allow for that.

Even with me cutting them slack, this was a pretty poor effort on their part. The chose to tell a science based story, but the script seems written by that high school kid who hated science, never bothered to understand it, and assumed you didn't either. The rules for the sister's invisibility make absolutely no sense. They are in consistently applied to the point of distraction. The entire course of action by the sisters after one of them turns invisible makes absolutely no sense. course of action by the sisters after one of them turns invisible makes absolutely no sense. Their priorities are so warped my 11-year-old was utterly befuddled. Every drop of drama and tension in the script was contrived and unnecessary. Even the Disney homebase, passionate heart melting speeches about the importance of sisterhood and friendship, fell like dead fish from the mouths of the poor actresses who were forced by the Disney machine to be in this movie.

In short, this whole movie was one long wtf?!?!
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