Review of Greenland

Greenland (2020)
Absolutely not what you expect
31 October 2020
There a lot of movies dealing with the world (possibly) coming to an end. Most of this movies focus on the type of destructions, or on heroes, who do the impossible and save humanity from whatever is coming. Of course all of them will have some kind of human interaction included in their storyline. Love is a key aspect to an ordinary screenplay. So what is then so special about this movie?

It is an emotional rollercoaster drive. It digs deep into human nature. Not only scratches it on the surface of what human beings could be capable of, when the world would face such an disaster, but it drills inside, you can actually feel it. You can actually understand, what such a scenario would really mean. It was the first time I was watching an world-ending scenario movie, where I actually believed everything I was given on screen. For me that is absolutely unique, and as I learned from TENET's reviews on this and other platforms; you cannot rely on the publics opinion, when it comes to your own taste.

Whrever you live, if theatres are open, do yourself a favor and go watch this incredible piece in a cinema. Far away from distractions, that video on demand comes along with. Never forget: When you subcoinsciously know, you can pause a movie, you won't get sucked into the plot as you would be, when you're in a theatre.

Have fun.
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